Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. For this assignment, you’ll be researching a photographer that you might never have heard of before (and whose work I hope you find compelling), and writing a short paper about them.,You’ll be researching a photographer that you might never have heard,For this assignment, you’ll be researching a photographer that you might never have heard of before (and whose work I hope you find compelling), and writing a short paper about them.,Step 1:, Select someone from this list of examples (and only this list):, Caity Fares, Rizzhel Javier, Ann Le, Julia Margaret Cameron, Gertrude Kasebier, Granville Carroll, Alixandra Fazzina, Rinko Kawauchi, Harry Callahan, Cy Kuckenbacker, Raymond Meeks, Edward Weston, Laura Gilpin, John Pfahl, Robert Adams, Minor White, Sean McFarland, John Chiara, Malick Sidibe, Ezra Stoller, Ed Ruscha, Seydou Keita, Jay Tyndall, Alexander Gronsky, Jan Groover, Hugo Texeira, Beth Ariel Gilbert, Jim Goldberg, Jungjin Lee, Gregory Halpern, Noemie Goudal, James Nachtwey, Ray Metzker, Colleen Fitzgerald, Tim Hetherington, Abelardo Morrell, Willie Osterman, ,Catherine Hellsten,, Yuxiang Dong, Justin Fondrie, Lynsey Addario, Bea Nettles, Olivia Parker, Gail Goers.,Step 2:,Write as though we know nothing about them, and you are the subject matter expert. Please spend most of your paper dealing with what the work is about, and your reaction to it; we don’t need a long biographical paper with a couple of sentences talking about their work. Give us the overview of what most of their work is like, then focus on a particular body of work or project by that photographer. Also, using the critique tools we have been discussing. Explain what the work is, what it looks like. Then tell us what you think it means, being sure to connect your interpretation back to evidence in the work.,Tell us how it made you feel, and what specifically you think prompted your reaction. Be sure to cite your sources using the MLA format for citations (specific quotations, as well as a bibliography at the end). Hint: many of these photographers are alive and working today, and I may even know a few of them, so in addition to material you find about them online and in photography publications and books, if you’re really into their work, reach out and see if they will let you interview them. No guarantees as they might be very busy, but it doesn’t hurt to ask nicely.,Due Date: Saturday, by the end of the day (11:59pm). The paper is worth 100 points.,What: Research paper telling us about the photographer you’ve chosen. Minimum 3 pages; post your paper in the discussion forum (paste the text into your post), and attach it as a pdf as well (so I can take it with me when I disconnect from the web to finish up all of my grading). You must complete both of these steps, so do not forget! It should go without saying, but I always have to remind everyone that this needs to be your work. Plagiarism will result in an automatic ‘F’ on this assignment, and possibly an ‘F’ in the class.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Political Science homework help

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