Political Science Homework Help

Need an essay on any one of the following 1. Do the advantages of a federal system outweigh the disadvantages in Canada? Should other countries such as the United Kingdom adopt a federal system? 2.

 Need an essay on any one of the following

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 1. Do the advantages of a federal system outweigh the disadvantages in Canada? Should other countries such as the United Kingdom adopt a federal system? 

2.  Would it be desirable to create a North American Union similar to the European Union? 

3.  Discuss why the EU still lacks popular support and legitimacy as a confederal system of government?

4.  Should Canada move further in the direction of asymmetrical federalism?

 Need a 1000( can go till 1100 if needed) word essay on any one of the topics above APA style with 8-10 references in total( 4 academic sources and 4 credible) and in text citations as well. Essay to be double-spaced, using Times New Roman font size 12. It must also have a one inch or 2.54 cm margin all around. 

Note: Academic sources from the book Politics, Power, and the common good latest edition are preferred Thankyou