Psychology Homework Help

Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers in a minimum of 300 words (each reply), by Day 7 (Monday). Based on your understanding of the rea

Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers in a minimum of 300 words (each reply), by Day 7 (Monday). Based on your understanding of the reading, add important information to the conversation.

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  • How are your experiences similar to or different than those offered by your peers?
  • How might damage to different parts of the brain impact various processes related to sensation and perception?
  • Can you offer additional examples of social or cultural differences in childrearing that might impact outcomes?

Peer 1 (Jennie):  

Sensation and perception both play a significant role in the sensory of how our brain functions. Perception is the way individuals see things or situations. Viewpoints may vary based on several things, including one’s environment, culture, traditions, and senses. That is when sensations come into play; seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, and feeling are all part of our sensory system. As mentioned by LeFrançois (2020), “Strictly speaking, sensation is the immediate response of our senses to sensory stimulation; perception is the brain’s interpretation of the signals it receives from its various sensory systems” (chapter 3.1).  

Human development includes a variety other than just genes and science. Erik Erikson is a psychologist who has been examining the interaction between genes (nature) and environment (nurture). Different backgrounds impact nutrition and physical development because not every child is raised in similar homes. One household can have customs of bike riding every night and include full servings of vegetables in every meal. Another house might have movie night along with a full bar of snacks and treats on the daily. The nutritional and physical development of the children in each household will be different because of the home environment. Social development is affected by childcare arrangements, culture, and traditions of the parents. The movie Babies [Streaming video], demonstrates how culture is a part of this development and precisely how nurture is the primary variable. When it comes to parenting styles and emotional development, the main thing to consider is the parent’s childhood. There are four categories into which parents fall under, each one having a different impact on how children emotionally develop. The different styles are; autonomous, usually, have securely attached children. There is dismissing and preoccupied parents, who typically have insecurely attached children, and unresolved who likely manifest disorganized-disoriented attachment. This development is influenced by both nature and nurture but develops positively or negatively depending on the child’s environment. 

The relationship between perception and development is affected by one’s environment, family beliefs, and the way they demonstrate affection. As mentioned in the Parental ethnotheories of children’s learning (2010) book, “Features of childhood such as the long period of growth and development, post-weaning dependence, and the patterning of learning and skill acquisition are best identified and understood as products of a selective history” (p. 11). Dependence has to be one of the most considerable variations, even with the same biological structure, the different things parents expect from their children. Which is when the brain comes into play, and differentiates our perceptions based on our reactions to sensory. Our world is filled with a vast amount of diversity and allows us to see all the fantastic variations in our society. 

Peer 2 (Corte):  

Upon reviewing the required readings I can define sensation the method of sensing our external environment through our senses such as sight, sound, smell and touch. All of this is then sent to our brain which we process these senses and that’s where we get our perception from. It helps formulate our interpretation these things.  Let’s take for an example we are walking outside and we feel a gentle breeze on our skin this is the process of sensation and our perception of this sensation might be something like its windy out today.

A child’s early home environment has a profound effect on their well-being. Study has linked negative home environments during the first few years being a host of developmental problems such as aggression, anxiety and depression. Living in an environment affected by chaos and poverty can lead to changes in the brain stress system that increase a child’s vulnerability to chronic diseases later in life. When another example how different environments have on development children who grow up poor are more likely than other children to drop out of high school.

When it comes to perception and development and the relationship between them. Take an infant as an example as they develop they use their perception to inform them of what to do next. Whether it’s adjusting from crawling to walking. They use there sensations around then turns into perception and makes them adapt causing that increase in developmental changes for these individuals.