Psychology Homework Help

Assignment This take-home exam is based on a critical analysis of the film Flight (2012), starring Denzel Washington. Use either (but not both) Chapter 8 or 9 from Bad Moon Rising to serve as the bas


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This take-home exam is based on a critical analysis of the film Flight (2012), starring Denzel Washington. Use either (but not both) Chapter 8 or 9 from Bad Moon Rising to serve as the basis for your analysis. In other words, how might the ideas discussed in these chapters (i.e., social isolation, intimacy, social meaning, etc.) be applied to Captain Whip Whitaker? The use of additional references is not required for this final essay assignment. 

Helpful Suggestions 

1. No movie summaries! A summary is not an analysis. 2. The movie is available to rent on Amazon Prime (for about $3), but I can’t confirm its availability on other platforms. Speak with me immediately, if you are having difficulty locating the movie; a DVD is available to loan out. 3. You may watch the movie with others in the class, but further group collaboration is discouraged. The final assignment needs to reflect the individual efforts of the student.