Psychology Homework Help

Unit 3 DB: Does viewing violence lead to violent behavior? Unit 3 DB: Does viewing violence lead to violent behavior? After viewing Bandura’s original video from his 1961 study above, complete the fo

Unit 3 DB: Does viewing violence lead to violent behavior? 

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Unit 3 DB: Does viewing violence lead to violent behavior? After viewing Bandura’s original video from his 1961 study above, complete the following for this discussion:

  • Explain the basic concepts demonstrated in this study in regard to observational learning.
  • Based on the video and your reading, do you believe that violence in television, media, or video games likely promote violent behaviors according to the principles of observational learning?  Please share your thoughts and examples.
  • Additionally, discuss your own real-life example of the concept of observational learning by sharing an incident either witnessed personally or through the media.
  • Discuss how observational learning differs from theories of learning that emphasize “conditioning” (classical conditioning and operant conditioning).  Use the example of how aggressive behavior may result from conditioning.

Be sure to provide the URL link(s) and/or title(s) to any resource used as reference in your post.