Psychology homework help

Interview Project Assignment

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Interview an appropriate practicing counselor that is in concert with your desired area in which to work after graduation.  This could include a community college counselor, an area vocational school counselor, or a college counselor.Focus on the following things:

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  • The counselor’s activities in providing career information, assessment, and career counseling.
  • Strategies used for advocating for diverse clients with regard to career, educational development, and employment opportunities in the global economy.
  • Strategies used to facilitate client skill development for career, education, and life-work planning and manage.
  • Strategies employed to advocate for people with special needs.

The paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word; Times New Roman font; 12 pt. font size; margins 1” on all sides; double-spaced.  The assignment should be written on a graduate level and references used should be cited within the discussion and documented in a reference list using APA styling.Post your paper, as a single document, to the grade book through  An originality score greater than 25% will result in a severe penalty.Review the attached documents for the scoring guide and sample papers.

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