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Write TWO 300 Discussion Board replies Please write the student name on Discussion Board  replies  so I know which reply belong to which student. Use Biblical References  ***Mary Student 1*** Accordin

Write TWO 300 Discussion Board replies Please write the student name on Discussion Board  replies  so I know which reply belong to which student. Use Biblical References 

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***Mary Student 1*** According to Laaser (2004), regarding the chapter Sexual Addiction and Sin, addiction is an escape from feelings. Anything that becomes an addiction is essentially an out from everyday life whether it be drug, alcohol, gambling, or sex addiction. To assess one’s addiction, you would put the patient through a series of questions such as a screening and assessment according to Presentation: Screening and Assessing Addictive Disorders.

The World Health Organization offers free assessments for people struggling with alcohol, smoking, and substance abuse according to the presentation. The test documents the patient’s usage throughout their life, legal, health, social and financial problems, their desire to use, and how often has the patient failed at getting help with their disease. The assessment also pulls information from their support system in order to determine whether they have tried to intervene or not. According to Van Wormer & Davis, (2018), addiction is our loss of control over behavior or substance.

In my opinion when asked how do I think people with addiction change, they tend to lie and cover up their addiction. That is a huge flaw in one’s character when they flat out lie to their friends and family. A Christian approach versus a secular one is usually met with prayer, guidance, and patience. A secular approach is met with medications on an already addictive person. In Corinthians 10:13-14, you are reminded that “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.” God will never allow you to take on more than you can handle.


Laaser, M. R., & Laaser, M. R. (2009). Healing the wounds of sexual addiction

(AER ed.). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.

Presentation: Screening and Assessing Addictive Disorders

Van Wormer, K. S., & Davis, D. R. (2018). Addiction treatment: A strengths

perspective (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

***Tom Student 2

Repeated substance use causes people to develop addictions by taking more and more of the substance. Then, it alters their brain by releasing the chemical messenger dopamine. This creates a euphoria causing the person to repeat the behavior. A tolerance builds up and this makes it hard for the person to resist the drug. There are risk factors that increase a person’s odds to be an addict and those are biology, environment, and development. 

To change from being an addict, Van Wormer and Davis (2018) state that there are six critical elements and those are: “(1) identity as a competent human being; (2) the need for personal control or choice; (3) the need for hope; (4) the need for purpose; (5) the need for a sense of achievement; (6) and the presence of at least one key supportive person” (p. 22). I think people can have a better chance at changing by receiving addiction treatment medicines with behavioral therapy. Some people can change and recover while others do not. Some may not be honest with themselves and may not feel they have a problem. The first step is recognizing that you have a problem and deciding to make a change. Then, it is important to find a program that works best for you. Commitment and follow-up care are important in maintaining recovery. If one doesn’t feel they need to continue follow-up care they may fall back into addiction

When one is ready for recovery, they should decide whether they feel they can benefit from a Christian or a secular approach. Each approach is different. The biggest difference is the personal beliefs of the person seeking recovery. For example, a Christian approach is based on biblical principles. Those principles include surrendering to God’s will instead of human will. Sremac (2018) states, “people with substance dependence problems employ testimonies of spiritual transformation to develop, cope and sustain a sense of personal identity and create meaning from conflicting (traumatic) life experiences” (p. 112). A good verse for one to go to is Philippians 4:13 and it states, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (New International Version). People who were once spiritual will benefit from this approach to recovery. The secular approach consists of finding a mentor to help with accountability and counseling. This approach is accomplished through one’s willpower, making good healthy choices, and support groups. (words 398) 


Sremac, S. (2018). Trauma, substance dependence and religious coping: A narrative spiritual appraisal in faith-based recovery programs. Journal of Empirical Theology, 31(1), 112-135. doi:10.1163/15709256-12341369

Van Wormer, K. and Davis, D.R. (2018). Addiction Treatment. New York: Cengage. ISBN: 9780357096284.