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Microbiology (MCB2010C)    Research Paper Subject: Trichomonas Vaginalis                  Biology: Cell description, shape, gram positive or negative, morphology                 Ecology: Where does it

Microbiology (MCB2010C)   

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Research Paper

Subject: Trichomonas Vaginalis 

                Biology: Cell description, shape, gram positive or negative, morphology

                Ecology: Where does it live or association

                Pathology: if any…what diseases are associated.


                History: discovery etc.

                How is it associated to the following: Pharyngitis, Rectal, and Vaginalis

                Other key points: Flagella is made of microtubules. Eukaryotic.

1500 Words Minimum (not including Title or Reference pages) Use Subtitles.

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APA Format with Title and Reference Page, Intext Citations

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