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EVR 1001C Florida Southwestern State College Agriculture Design Project PPT

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For this lab I would like you to design an urban agriculture project suitable to your lifestyle. If you live in a small apartment with a busy lifestyle planting an herb garden in window boxes and composting your kitchen scraps is a viable option. If you have more space in your back yard and you would like to plant a small garden that you can spend a few minutes managing every day that is also an acceptable project.

Once you have come up with the idea and planned it out, I would like you to submit a short PowerPoint Presentation containing:

  • A description of the project and a sketch or image
  • A list of materials needed and their estimated costs (What materials can be upcycled?)
  • A description of how this project can benefit your wellbeing and reduce your overall global footprint

Keep in mind you do not actually have to build this project.