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 18 hours agoVashti Serrano MODULE 6/ WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENTCOLLAPSE As an aspiring educator in this field, the video had me at a loss for words. In the video, it was said that the children at Pennhurst we

 18 hours agoVashti Serrano MODULE 6/ WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENTCOLLAPSE

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  1. As an aspiring educator in this field, the video had me at a loss for words. In the video, it was said that the children at Pennhurst were being “protected” by society, but society was being protected from them. In my opinion, that is the most insensitive statements that I have ever heard. That is almost saying that those specific children are a threat to society. Changing my major from criminal justice to education, I never considered the need of other children, insensitive and unfortunate as that may sound. But God revealed his will for my life and a change of heart began to occur. Now, I consider the needs of children, and especially those that have special needs. This is a concept known as inclusion. Reading from Harro Van Brummelen’s textbook, walking with God in the classroom, it states that, “all students are special beings”. (Brummelen, 2009). As educators, we are entrusted to care for those who have special needs. We are ALL made in God’s image, which include intellect, sentiment, and volition. This is something that the facilitators of Pennhurst did not understand. The children were abandoned, shackled to beds, ostracized, and ignored. They received no help and there were no programs to rehabilitate them. The physical conditions of the institution were overcrowded and dirty, with old walls that could collapse at any time. The institution received little to no money for reformation. No efforts were put to care for these children. Educators should not have this same attitude towards children with special needs; compassion or love for them. At the end of the video, it was stated that with our country, as rich and great as it is, can afford to care for the LEAST of these. In the Bible, it says, “Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me” (Matthew 25:45, New King James Version). As educator, I plan to include all types of students into a world of compassion and acceptance and tend to their individual needs. We should not hinder the learning or any child. 
  2. A biblical approach to welcome, nurture, and educate learners with diverse needs or exceptionalities that I can intentionally apply in my own life is to always view children with special needs as children of God, because that’s what they are. This is what I already do with my children at my job. Only a person who is empowered with the mind of Christ is capable of carrying out a plan to accept children with special needs. The Bible states, “But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a children shall not enter it”. (Mark 10:14-15). The approach to also pursue these children with an unconditional love, I would also consider. It is only through Christ can we truly accept everyone as children of God.