Social Science homework help

Discussing  an article of the UDHR to an ongoing human rights issue in the United States in the reputable news media ( — major newspapers, such as NY Times, The Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, or else Television networks; no blogs). Include:


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  1. The UDHR article-Number of article, and copy and paste text;


  1. The ongoing human rights issue at stake— include link to news media, title, author, and date (2018 or 2019 only) — and reason why you chose this specific issue;


  1. The violation at stake: How it is being violated, by whom, why, and what population is being affected — be specific; and


  1. What could be a solution to the issue at stake, that is, what changes could be made to improve the situation so that human rights could be protected.


Please note:

  1. Include subtitles: a. The UDHR article; b. The ongoing human rights issue at stake, c. … etc. )
  2. No international issue allowed, unless the rights of the population in the U.S. are being violated.



READ the following material:


You need to focus on ONLY ONE article that you are interested in.

Then do the research on one ongoing issue about that article you picked

Then state the violation

And give a solution.


  1. Here are some more helpful information.

<Part I-Human Rights Fundamentals

<Parts III and IV:  Lesson Plan and Action Activities

<Appendices: Human Rights Documents

1.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  1. Abbreviated Version
  2. U.S. Bill of Rights