Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Complete the following: 1. Open the workbook named Safari.xlsx located in the Chapter 3 folder, and then save the file as Safari Analysis.xlsx. 2. Create a series of charts that compare gas prices by time of the year and by location. The time can be in quarters, months, or week of the month, as you deem appropri- ate. The location should be charted separately by region, by state, and by city. 3. For each location—region, state, and city—determine if a particular location has higher gas prices than the others. Add a comment near each chart to explain your findings. 4. Determine if a particular time of year has higher gas prices than the other times of the year. Add a comment near each chart to explain your findings. 5. Create a bubble chart to illustrate the number of weeks that each city’s gas price is above the gas price for the entire United States; the number of weeks that it is below the gas price for the entire United States; and the average gas price in dollars per gallon for the year. Add appropriate titles, labels, and a legend to the chart. 6. Save and close the Safari Analysis.xlsx workbook.

Social Work homework help

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