Sociology homework help

Topic Selection

Refer to the Week 6 Written Assignment instructions. This will be your final paper for the course. Determine your topic for this final assignment. In two-four paragraphs, address the following:

  • State and describe the topic that you have selected.
  • Explain why you have selected it, describing why you think the topic is important and why it is of interest to you.
  • Summarize your current knowledge of and familiarity with the topic, identifying any professional or academic experience you may have relating to it.

You may revise this assignment, as needed, in future weeks and use it as an introduction for your final paper. Include a cover page formatted in APA Style, 6th ed. Refer to p. 41 of your APA Manual, 6th ed., for an example.

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Guerrero,  E. G., Aarons, G. A., & Palinkas, L. A. (2014). Organizational  capacity for service integration in community-based addiction health services. American Journal of Public Health, 104(4), e40-7. Retrieved from ProQuest  database.
McCarthy,  D., Kerrisk, M., & Gijbels, H. (2012). Turning recovery principles into  practice through leadership. The  International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 8(1), 21-32.