Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. I will pay for the following article Marketing in the United Kingdom. The work is to be 17 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. In general context, U.K. has undergone a distinct demographic transition. This form of transition can be stated as a shift from the pre-industrial population with high mortality rates and birth rate, through a phase of rapid population growth and falling mortality rate, towards a stage of low mortality and birth rate. It is clearly evident that in initial phase there was low population growth rate, which again shifted to faster growth rate and finally witnessed a turmoil, which resulted in low population growth rate. In the last two decades, natural change observed in population growth rate was accompanied with net international immigration within the country. The overall population of U.K., as per 2011 census, was approximately 63,182,000. In the European Union, U.K. is considered to be the third-largest in terms of population size. On the other hand, in context of population density too, the region is regarded as the largest compared to neighbouring countries. Its population density can be denoted as, per square kilometre, there are approximately 259 people. The south-east of England accounts for about one-third of the total population. Majority of the population resides in either suburban or urban area. There are about 8million people who reside in the capital city of this region, London. The population of U.K. is majorly White British. This nation was located nearby to Continental Europe. hence, the different regions encompassed within U.K. have been subjected to various migrations and invasions.

Statistics homework help

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