Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Hi, I need help with essay on Cause/Effect Paragraph Rough Draft & Final Draft. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!While my working classmates eat unhealthy fast food and complain that their food budget is skyrocketing, I can eat all I want care of my parents who keep a well stocked fridge. Food is not a problem for me.As a college student, most people expect that I have already moved out of my parents home and have set myself up in my own apartment at the very least. But I am still living at home and enjoying the main benefits of having my bedroom in the family home to come home to after a day of school — I get free board and lodging, practically have an eat all you can food supply, and I save money. It is a dream life that most college students can only dream of. But that is not to say that I do not have my own responsibilities while living with my parents. Beneficial for me as it is to live with them, I still have to do my part around the house.Unlike other college students, I dont have to worry about getting a part time job to make sure I am not living above a Chinese restaurant while I attend college. I get to go home to my warm and cozy bed at my parents house at the end of every day. The only requirement of my parents? Get a part time job and shoulder the electric bill. A small price to pay when compared to the kind of rent that I would have to pay if I lived away from home.While my working classmates eat unhealthy fast food and complain that their food budget is skyrocketing, I can eat all I want care of my parents who keep a well stocked fridge. Food is not a problem for me. My parents dont mind if I eat six times a day. The reason they dont mind? Well, aside from paying the electric bill of the house, I also willingly contribute a portion of my earnings to our weekly grocery expense. Still a minimal expense when one thinks about it. Living away from my parents, I would either spend a hefty amount by eating every meal out or wasting food by cooking way too much for myself and

Statistics homework help

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