Statistics Homework Help
1). Compare the F value to the critical value
Directions: Scenario: Read the scenario to the right, then fill in the blanks in A researcher wants to test the effect of two kinds ofthe table to the lower right and answer the questions chocolate (dark and milk) on memory. A control group isbelow by selecting the correct answer. included which will not consume any chocolate during the” ‘ “‘ 7 experiment. Each group contains 10 people, for a total1 1 Compare the F value to the critical value given sample size of 30. Participants in the three groups arein the table. Is the result of this test statistically given a series of numbers and are tested on their abilitysignificant? to remember the numbers. The scores on the memoryYes No t _est are shown below. 2 I Should a Tukey’s HSD post hoc test be performed? Group 1′ Dark Chocolate: 5. 6- 6- . 8′ 8’ 9’10! 10 (Mean: 7’8) 9.Group 2, Milk Chocolate: 4, 4. 5, 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7, 8 (Mean: 5.?)YES NO Group 3. No Chocolate: 2. 2. 3. 3. . 4, 4. 5. 6. 7 (Mean: 3.9) 3 : According to the HSD results, is there a Source 55 df Crit. F (’05) MS Fsignificant difference between group i and group 2?–l –nYes No 4 : According to the HSD results, is there a significant difference between group1 and group — —3? ‘No YesTukey’s HSD Test [.05] = 1.77