Statistics Homework Help

1.”A recent survey and analysis concludes that 80 percent of all pre-school children enjoy eating ice cream.” The

1.”A recent survey and analysis concludes that 80 percent of all pre-school children enjoy eating ice cream.” The

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statement is an example of:

Descriptive Statistics

Statistical Significance

Inferential Statistics

Standard Score

2.The null hypothesis of “average GPA of Rutgers students is equal to 3.2” is to be tested at significant level of 0.05. A sample of 25 students resulted in a computed t of 1.67. The decision is to

average GPA of students is 3.2

average GPA of students is more than 3.2

average GPA of students is less than 3.2

none of the above

3.A study claims that the proportion of adults in the U.S. with rudimentary literary skills is 21%. A researcher believes the true percentage differs from this one that is published (Source: U.S. Department of Education). Which of the following demonstrates a Type I error?

Not rejecting H0: p = 0.21, when actually p = 0.21.

Rejecting H0: p = 0.21, when actually p = 0.21.

Rejecting H0: p = 0.21, when actually p is not equal to 0.21.

Not rejecting H0: p = 0.21, when actually p is not equal to 0.21.

4.The correlation coefficient r was computed to be -0.80. This indicates that

there is almost no relationship between the two variables

80 percent of the variation in the independent variable is accounted for by the variation in the dependent variable.

the coefficient of determination is -0.20.

none of the above

5.The slope of a regression equation is 10, the value where the line intersects the Y axis when X = 0 is 4. What is the regression equation?

X = 0 + 10Y

Y = 10- 4X

Y = 4 + 10X

Y = 4- 10X

none of the above

6.Director of a company wants to know the mean salary of the company’s employees. The most effective way to determining this is to

Record the salaries of a simple random sample of employees

Record the salaries of a stratified random sample of employees

Record the salaries of a cluster random sample of employees

Record the salaries of a convenience sample of employees

Consult computer records regarding the salaries of all employees.