This answer must be ORIGINAL and at least 250 words. Due on Thursday, 05.14.2020 by 3 pm. In this module, the discussion will focus on profitability analysis. The student will need to find some publicly available information about two firms and then provide some analysis of that information. Using the Internet, find Earnings Per Share and Price/Earnings ratio information for two competing publicly traded companies. State what you have found and provide a couple of sentences of explanation as to what those ratios tell you about the firms. Finally, provide some analysis of which firm you think would be the better investment, based on this information.

This answer must be ORIGINAL and at least 250 words. Due on Thursday, 05.14.2020 by 3 pm.
In this module, the discussion will focus on profitability analysis.  The student will need to find some publicly available information about two firms and then provide some analysis of that information.
Using the Internet, find Earnings Per Share and Price/Earnings ratio information for two competing publicly traded companies.  State what you have found and provide a couple of sentences of explanation as to what those ratios tell you about the firms.  Finally, provide some analysis of which firm you think would be the better investment, based on this information.

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