This discussion will give you an opportunity to explore direct and indirect price discrimination within the context of a hypothetical scenario. Your business partner is strongly opposed to your proposal to change your largest customers lower prices for your web-based services that you will charge your smaller customers. She is arguing it is unethical, unfair, and possibly illegal. Address the following: Make a case that both groups of customers will be satisfied with the deal and that this is a perfectly legal form of pricing in a business-to-customer relationship. – What degree is this type of price discrimination? – How will the plan increase revenue? – Why will both groups of customers be satisfied with the deal? – Why is this a legal form of pricing? Use reputable sources to support your case to your business partner.

This discussion will give you an opportunity to explore direct and indirect price discrimination within the context of a hypothetical scenario.
Your business partner is strongly opposed to your proposal to change your largest customers lower prices for your web-based services that you will charge your smaller customers.  She is arguing it is unethical, unfair, and possibly illegal.
Address the following:
Make a case that both groups of customers will be satisfied with the deal and that this is a perfectly legal form of pricing in a business-to-customer relationship.
– What degree is this type of price discrimination?
– How will the plan increase revenue?
– Why will both groups of customers be satisfied with the deal?
– Why is this a legal form of pricing?
Use reputable sources to support your case to your business partner.

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