Tuskegee Discussion Response

Tuskegee Discussion Response.

After reading about the syphilis study at Tuskegee, how do you think participants in the study would have reacted had they been given full disclosure about the research methods prior to the start of the study?

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Cohort studies often have several thousand that are stretched over years or decades. Experiments often only have a few hundred to a thousand and follow people for a few months to a year. This can prove that the intervention has an impact, but it may not be a sufficient sample size to catch all the variance in the population. This is often why there are side effects that prove more detrimental than originally anticipated.

This is part of the discussion prompt: “…how do you think participants in the study would have reacted had they been given full disclosure about the research methods prior to the start of the study? When responding to your classmates, discuss possible suggestions for re-creating the study using the current standards used in research with human subjects.”

Please focus on answering these questions as you are addressing your topics.

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Tuskegee Discussion Response