Watch video and answer question below #1 Title of Required Webinar #2 Length of Webinar (# of minutes) #3 What Teams “use cases” were discussed in the video? #4 How can you use Teams to streamline giving/grading student assignments? #5 Do they suggest you use the desktop Teams app, or the web browser? Why do they suggest that? #6 How do you create a meeting in Teams? #7 What advantages do you think using Teams in education brings? #8 What challenges do you think using Teams in education brings?

Watch video and answer question below
#1 Title of Required Webinar
#2 Length of Webinar (# of minutes)
#3 What Teams “use cases” were discussed in the video?
#4 How can you use Teams to streamline giving/grading student assignments?
#5 Do they suggest you use the desktop Teams app, or the web browser? Why do they suggest that?
#6 How do you create a meeting in Teams?
#7 What advantages do you think using Teams in education brings?
#8 What challenges do you think using Teams in education brings?

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