Write a APA format1500-word paper (±10%) that discusses the following organizational concepts: If possible use an actual organization you know and have access to. If not, a general discussion of the concepts and their interdependence is acceptable Organizational mission: the organization’s mission and purpose, stated in terms of benefits to customers, employees, and society Organizational structure: the organization’s structure to best support the stated purpose Organizational contingency: environmental factors that will create the greatest impact on the organization Leadership contingency: the type of leader that this organization will need (style, trait, skills, etc.) Worldview: Discuss how worldview influences this particular organization and its organizational members.

Write a APA format1500-word paper (±10%) that discusses the following organizational concepts:

If possible use an actual organization you know and have access to. If not, a general discussion of the concepts and their interdependence is acceptable

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Organizational mission: the organization’s mission and purpose, stated in terms of benefits to customers, employees, and society

Organizational structure: the organization’s structure to best support the stated purpose

Organizational contingency: environmental factors that will create the greatest impact on the organization

Leadership contingency: the type of leader that this organization will need (style, trait, skills, etc.)

Worldview: Discuss how worldview influences this particular organization and its organizational members.