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Walden University A Good Qualitative Research Question Discussion

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What Makes a Good Research Question?

A good research question sets the stage for how the methods and procedures of the study unfold.

In this Discussion, you will identify criteria for a good qualitative research question.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Locate a a qualitative research article on “work-life balance” or “employee happiness”.

As you draft your initial Discussion post, consider the following:

  • What defines a good qualitative research question?
  • What do you look for in content, in terminology, and in alignment with the research problem?

Find and briefly summarize (1–2 paragraphs) a qualitative research article to use as an example of how the researcher presented either a good qualitative research question or a poorly formed research question.

By Day 3

Post a 2-part response to the following prompts:

  • Share a definition, in your own words, of what qualifies or attributes to a good qualitative research question. Cite at least one sources (outside of the qualitative research article you identified) to support what you have developed.
  • Present the summary of the qualitative research article you found, and justify why it meets or does not meet your criteria for a good research question.
  • APA 7t