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Here’s a weekly assignment for you to review. Should be APA 7th edition format with references. Length wasn’t discussed but usually she wants 3 paragraphs minimum. Links to ebook, articles/websites are below. The article listed in number 5 of the instructions is optional and is not included in any of the article links.

Link for ebook: vitalsource.com

Link for Organizational Leadership Assessment: https://olagroup.com/Display.asp?Page=servant_lead…

3.3 Discussion: The Servant Leader


Getting Started

Servant leadership, a concept first introduced by Robert Greenleaf in 1970, focuses on leading others by serving their needs first, with the intent of assisting them to achieve their goals. Servant leadership aligns well with the needs for leadership in health care because a nurse’s work and life calling center on serving patients. The crux of servant leadership requires a health care provider to put the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs of the patient first. The skill set of empathetic listening, self-awareness, stewardship, empowerment, clear vision, and selfless motivation all contribute to an effective relationship between care providers and patients.

Servant leadership is a leadership approach that is demonstrated in the lives of many individuals featured in both Old and New testaments of the Bible. Jesus Christ is our greatest role model of one who placed service as an important aspect of His ministry.

This workshop discussion will allow you the opportunity to examine skills, behaviors, and attitudes displayed by servant leaders. You will analyze how these leadership traits can be strengthened in your own role as a nurse, and evaluate evidence of servant leadership characteristics in an organization.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Discuss attitudes, characteristics, and behaviors of servant leaders, as well as their impact on organizations.


Textbook: Leading and Managing in Nursing

Essay: “Five Necessary Attitudes of a Servant Leader”

Website: Laub Servant Organizational Model

Optional Reading: “Servant Leadership: A Model for Emerging Nurse Leaders” authored by Fahlberg and Toomey (2016).


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

In the textbook, Leading and Managing in Nursing, read:

Chapter 3, section “Professional nursing practice: Ethics”

Chapter 28, “Developing the role of the leader”

Read “Five Necessary Attitudes of a Servant Leader.”

Review James Laub’s model for servant leadership by going to the following website: Organizational Leadership Assessment.

Optional: Read the article, “Servant Leadership: A Model for Emerging Nurse Leaders.” To obtain the article please contact Off Campus Library Services (email form) or call 800.521.1848 to receive a scanned copy of this article. The library only has it in print so it must be requested. You should receive it by email within one day, except on Sundays, holidays, and holiday weekends. Please use your IWU email account.

Prepare to discuss the following prompts:

Discuss the similarities and differences between transformational leadership and servant leadership.

What ethical characteristics do healthcare servant leaders display and how do their values influence decisions? Include at least one ethical principle in your discussion.

Choose ONE of the five attitudes discussed in the Boone and Makhani article, “Five Necessary Attitudes of a Servant Leader.” Discuss why you believe the attitude is important for a leader in a healthcare setting and share an example of how it may be demonstrated.

Evaluate an organization that you are familiar with, using Laub’s six key elements of a servant organization. Without sharing the name of the organization, describe how it does and does not reflect the characteristics featured in this model.

Find at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights.