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SU The Robert Brockman Tax Fraud Case Study

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  1. Federal prosecutors have charged Texas billionaire, Robert Brockman, with a $2 billion tax fraud scheme in what they say is the largest such case against an American. Before attempting this assignment, review the case, CEO of Multibillion-Dollar Software Company Indicted for Largest-Ever Tax Evasion as Private Equity CEO Makes NPA to Cooperate in the Case.


Write a 2–3 page paper about this tax fraud case, in which you:  

  1. Summarize the Robert Brockman tax fraud case. 
  2. Evaluate the issues that led to the tax fraud. 
  3. Analyze a CPA’s culpability in cases of tax fraud by clients, regardless of whether they had knowledge of the fraud.
  4. Evaluate ways a tax preparer can detect signs of tax fraud in order to prevent future tax fraud.