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CGTC MARTA and Other Factors that Foster Inequality in Metropolitan Atlanta Analysis

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Question: To what extent has MARTA and its early development helped to foster inequality in metropolitan Atlanta? What other major forces, developments, and/or trends have encouraged inequality in the region? Your answer should be based solely on the resources that we have read, located, and produced as a class. include the following in text and reference page citations.

Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and David L. Sjoquist’s “The Geographic Mismatch between Jobs and Housing” from The Atlanta Paradox (assigned reading listed on the syllabus);

b) the Metropolitan Area Research Corporation report, Atlanta Metro Patterns (assigned reading listed on the syllabus.)

c) the additional required reading on MARTA by Larry Keating that is posted on Canvas;

d) at least one other scholarly article that we located as a class through Homework 5;

e) https://saportareport.com/the-disproportionate-effect-of-atlantas-housing-crisis/thought-leadership/united-way-atlanta/;