Writing Homework Help
LIT 5243 ACE Collaboration and Improvement Evidence Based Strategies Paper & PPT
Module 3 Application:
Evidence-Based Strategies
Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 3.
From your coursework, you have seen many evidence-based strategies available to strengthen literacy. These strategies may be used to impact a single class or individual students, but it takes a comprehensive, coordinated effort for those strategies to impact a grade level, a department, or a whole school. That effort begins with recognition of the need for change.
During the Module 1 Analysis, you identified one area of need in a school’s literacy program. In Module 2, you summarized five research articles related to the school’s literacy program needs.
For the Module 3 Application, you will use the perspective of an instructional leader to develop a literacy lesson plan (or action plan) that could be implemented school-wide. In the plan, you will incorporate evidence-based strategies from your independent research (Module 2) and from course presentations and readings.
Follow the steps and compose your responses in a single, 8- to 10-page Word document (not including the title and references pages).
oUse APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Step 1. Select a title/topic for a plan in which you can incorporate the research/strategies from your Module 2 independent research and from course presentations and readings.
Step 2. Identify the literacy need (from Module 1) to be addressed by the lesson or action plan.
Step 3. Identify the standards that support the lesson or action plan. (List at least one standard.)
Step 4. Identify key learning outcomes (List 1-2 outcomes.)
Step 5. From your research and the course presentations/readings, incorporate at least five evidence-based literacy strategies into the plan.
For each strategy, identity:
Strategy description and steps.
Suggested groups for students or audience addressed.
How content will be presented.
How the students/groups will be assessed.
Step 6. Use the outline below to create your lesson plan or action.
School-wide Literacy Plan
School-wide Literacy Need: (identified in Module 1)
Title: Provide a descriptive title to identify the content.
Overview: Provide a brief overview of the plan to explain the content (relating to the literacy need) to the reader. Answer in complete sentences.
Standards: List at least one appropriate standard to support the plan.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes: What should students or audience being addressed be able to do? List 1-2 outcomes. Answer in complete sentences.
Materials, Resources, and Technology: What materials, resources, and technology will be needed? Answer in complete sentences.
Procedures: Incorporate strategies – including description and steps. From the research and course presentations/readings, incorporate at least five evidence-based literacy strategies into the plan. Answer in complete sentences, ensuring that statements are supported with relevant literature in APA format.
Student/Audience Groupings: Determine how to organize the students/audience for the lesson/action plan. What recommendations do you have for student/audience grouping? Summarize a suggested layout and the grouping for your work. Answer in complete sentences.
Presentation: How will students or the intended audience present their project and celebrate their success? Answer in complete sentences.
Assessment/Evaluation: Describe the assessment methods for the lesson/action plan. How will success be measured? Provide a description of the assessment process, the criteria for achievement, and performance levels. The criteria should directly align to the learning outcomes. Incorporate a plan for providing feedback. Answer in complete sentences.
Closure/Reflection: Relate present knowledge to previous knowledge. Reflect on the lesson/action plan. Answer in complete sentences.
Module 4 Application:
Collaboration and Improvement
Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 4.
Whether talking about literacy or any other aspect of a school’s instructional program, improvement should always be continuous, ongoing, and collaborative.
In this module’s assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of the importance of collaboration by designing a slide presentation for colleagues in which you present
(1) the literacy needs that you have identified (Module 1),
(2) the research that you have summarized related to the need (Module 2), and
(3) the lesson or action plan that you have created related to the need (Module 3), and
(4) a five-item survey that invites colleagues to provide input on your presentation.
Follow the steps to create a 6- to the 8-slide presentation (not including the title and references slides) for your response.
use APA format for the references slide and in-text citations.
Step 1. Use PowerPoint or another slide presentation tool to develop the presentation. Tutorials are available: Digital Learning Connections Resources and Tips.
Step 2. Create a title slide for your presentation that includes:
Presentation title
Your name
Course number and title
Step 3. Develop (a minimum of) one slide for each the following:
the literacy need that you identified (Module 1)
the research that you summarized related to the need (Module 2)
the lesson or action plan you created related to the need (Module 3)
o(Note: Imagine you are teaching colleagues how to implement the lesson or action plan.)
a five-item survey inviting colleagues to provide input on your presentation
o(Example: Which activity do you feel is most applicable to the promotion of school-wide literacy?)
a references slide in APA format
Module 5 Reflection:
Reflection on Literacy
Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 5.
In the assignments for this course, you have focused on school-wide literacy and its impact on overall student performance. You have explored the research literature and determined specific strategies to assist in improving literacy at the institutional level.
By giving your responses to the questions that follow, you will reflect on the knowledge and skills acquired in this course and how you will apply the learning in your professional setting.
Compose your responses to the questions below in an APA-formatted paper of 3-5 pages (not including the title and references pages).
write an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
Use the questions to guide your response.
We all have attitudes and beliefs about literacy, culture, and language. How has your learning in this course modified your self-knowledge?
How did your responses on the Module 1 analysis survey correlate with your previous observations about the school’s literacy program? What surprised you?
How did self-knowledge influence your choice of a literacy program improvement target?
What did you learn from the application assignments about collaboration and clarification of your ideas about literacy?
How will you apply your knowledge from the application assignments to strengthen literacy at your school, including
(a) heightened awareness of cultural responsiveness,
(b) recognition of the impact of dyslexia and related disorders on reading acquisition, and
(c) the use of technology and digital tools?
Why is it important for instructional leaders to have the knowledge and skills to assess school-wide literacy? Provide examples.