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RDG 351 UOP Wk 5 Writing Comprehension & Intervention Graphic Organizers Worksheet

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Create 2 graphic organizers, one of which will illustrate spelling and writing development and one of which will illustrate comprehension strategies and interventions.

Use attached rubric to complete graphic organizers.

Include the following in your spelling and writing development graphic organizer:

  • Illustrate information about spelling and writing development for students birth through Grade 3. Refer to Ch. 10 in your textbook. You may also research additional resources on the topic of spelling and writing instruction in early childhood.
  • List and describe the stages of spelling development and the stages of writing development.
  • List and describe at least 2 strategies for each of the following categories:
  • Developing writing skills in children birth-Pre-K
  • Developing writing skills in children Grade K-3
  • Developing spelling skills in children Grade K-3
  • List benefits of allowing young children to use invented spelling in their writing.

Include the following in your comprehension strategies and interventions graphic organizer:

  • Illustrate comprehension strategies and interventions for fiction and nonfiction texts. Keep in mind that some strategies work best with fiction texts (e.g., story maps), while others (e.g., main idea maps) are intended for nonfiction texts. Still others can be used to aid in the comprehension of any type of text.
  • List 5 comprehension strategies/interventions you could use with struggling readers in your classroom.
  • Include details about the purpose of each strategy/intervention.
  • Include steps to implementing each strategy/intervention.
  • List and describe at least 2 ways to informally assess students’ comprehension skills.
  • List and describe at least 2 steps or strategies for differentiating instruction for struggling readers in your classroom.