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La Salle University Political Science Campaign Policy Advisor Memorandum

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and the scenario below, draft a two-three page policy memorandum. Use the template provided in CANVASdownloadto give three recommended statements which the candidate can include on his website regarding his stance on HR 20. Be sure to include a statement of the overall situation, a brief plus/minus paragraph of each policy position as well as a recommendation on which policy statement to use. Address it to The Honorable David Campbell, PA-9. Single-space each section. Use 12 point font and Times Roman ONLY.

Scenario: You are a campaign policy advisor to a candidate running in the 2022 Elections for the US House of Representatives from District 9 in PA. The candidate, who is a Democrat, wants advice on what stance to take on a new bill. HR 20 introduced on the House floor regarding placing restrictions on abortion.

The Bill: HR 20 modifies provisions relating to federal funding for, and health insurance coverage of, abortions. Specifically, the bill prohibits the use of federal funds for abortions or for any health coverage that includes abortions. Additionally, abortions may not be provided in a federal health care facility or by a federal employee. Historically, language has been included in annual appropriations (budget) bills for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that prohibits the use of federal funds, commonly referred to as the Hyde Amendment. The bill makes these restrictions permanent and extends the restrictions to all federal funds (rather than specific agencies). The bill’s restrictions regarding the use of federal funds do not apply in cases of rape, incest, or where a physical disorder, injury, or illness endangers a woman’s life unless an abortion is performed. The Hyde Amendment provides the same exceptions. The bill also prohibits qualified health plans from including coverage for abortions. Currently, qualified health plans may cover abortion, but the portion of the premium attributable to abortion coverage is not eligible for subsidies.


  1. The Democratic National Platform and most Democrats do not support the bill. Only two, one from Utah’s 4 District and one from Illinois’ 3rd
  2. The Supreme Court has consistently ruled against state laws which place an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to an abortion. However, the Court has also ruled it is unconstitutional to interfere with Congress’ taxing and spending powers.
  3. Although you are a Democrat, you are a fiscal conservative, which is the key issue upon which your constituents in your district vote support. A fiscal conservative wants to reduce the size of the federal budget, specifically reducing federal spending wherever possible.
  4. National Pro-Life voters and political action committees provide 40% of your campaign’s annual donations; Pro-choice voters and political action committees provide 41%, The remaining campaign contributions come from large political action committees which support lower taxes and decreased federal spending.
  5. Projected House of Representatives’ Make-Up: Democrats: 223; Republicans: 212.
  6. Your district’s constituency is divided as follows:
    1. 55 percent Republican; 40 percent Democrat, and five (5) percent Independent/Undecided.
    2. Male: 40%; Women: 60%
    3. White Caucasian: 40%; African-American: 25%; Hispanic: 20%; and Asian-American: 5%.
    4. White/Hispanic Evangelical Christians: 46%; Catholics: 30%; African-American Evangelical Christians: 20%; Unaffiliated: 4%.
    5. Age (years): 65+: 25%; 50-64: 20%; 30-49: 25%; 30-49: 25%; 18-30: 15%