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Arizona College of Allied Health Tangled by Emma Chase Analysis Essay

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Tangled analysis essay

Your essay needs to introduce the original reading and author, summarize the author’s view and the reading, list the dominant theme/ideas, and THEN list the alternative ideas—these are what is in the thesis. In your body paragraph, explain what the ideas from the alternative/resistant readings are and why they’re important. The essay is NOT about the dominant ideas.

This essay is developed with details, examples and support, so make sure that the body paragraphs go in to sufficient detail.

It should have a minimum of five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph. The final draft of the essay should be at least 2 pages long.

Analysis essay example

The Ugly Duckling Analysis

“The Ugly Duckling” is a story written by Hans Christian Andersen which is very popular among kids. In this story, the mother duck gives birth to six brothers where one of them turned out to be ugly and his brother and sister started to hate him. He left his mother after being abused by his own family members and started to look for company. He found two ducks and they also refused to be friends with him. He ended up in the house of an old lady where she let him to stay only if he lay eggs. The old lady had a tom cat and hen. He wanted to be friend, but they refused him, and the duck left the house. Seeing the reflection on the lake, he saw large white bird flying and wishes to be like them. As time passed, the winter made it hard to swim and catch the fish. The farmer felt pity towards him and took him to home. As spring came, he saw his own reflection and couldn’t believe how he looked like. He was a swan now and started to make friends. This story gives a dominant idea to never give up and believe in yourself. Although the dominant idea teaches the reader to believe in yourself, it also teaches the alternate ideas that outside beauty matters more than inner beauties, being different lowers self-esteem, and society don’t accept when you look different.

The first alternative idea that this story teaches is that people care about your appearance more than who you are from the inside. This gives the idea that being beautiful means being intelligent. In this story when the mother duck and his brother and sister questioned about his appearance that all of them were yellow, but only he was black. This also gives a racist view rather than accepting who he was. This gives an idea that the people who look different on the basis of color are dominated than others as the duck was hated by their own sister and other ducks and animals which he met in his journey. Also, the white swans and the hens refuse to be with him because of his attractiveness. They didn’t care if the duck was kind or cruel. This happens when the duck was looking for a shelter on an old lady house where she said that she would only give shelter to him if he lays eggs for her. This also give us an idea that people are only willing to help if you do something for them. Therefore, this paragraph teaches us resistant idea that being attractive is more important than being kind. It is important to be aware of this idea because this idea has been practiced in this society for generation which has created a class in our society causing difference between the same group of people. The second resistant idea that this story teaches is that being different from others lowers your self-esteem. This can be seen from the beginning to the end of the story. When the duck hatched from the egg, his brothers and sisters started to hate him because he looks ugly and the ducks seems to be upset. Also, in the story when he wants to become friends with other two ducks, hens, and tom cat, they refused, and he thought that he could never be friends with anyone. This gives the reader an alternate idea that people an alternate idea that people are always criticized if you try to act differently. This is also an issue in our society where people follow their views around the world in a different prospective and majority of people criticize them, which lowers their confidence like that of duck. Therefore, the second paragraph teaches reader the alternate idea that acting differently than rest of the world makes people criticize about that people and lowers your confidence. It is important that people should be aware of this idea because people who usually have low self-esteem are not able to progress due to the fear of being criticized and bullied rather than accepting who they are.

The third idea teaches reader the alternate ideas that people would not accept you if you look different from the rest of the others. This can be clearly seen when the duck wants to play with his brothers and sisters. They refused him because he was different. Also, he got rejected by ducks and hens when he tries to be friends with them. This is a common problem in this modern age where we can see the above idea in terms of color discrimination or gender inequality where they are hesitated to be accepted in the society for being different, as the duck got rejected for being too much different. Therefore, the third paragraph teaches reader that community will ignore people who are different than the rest of other people. This is important because color discrimination has become a trend in this society which has create a wall between two color groups which has caused lots of wars and crime and slows the pace of development in the society.

In conclusion, the dominant view of the story is to higher your self-esteem, but the story also has an alternate view that facial attraction, confidence, and the judge towards the society changes when people started to look different than others. In the story this gives reader that people care about the outer appearance rather than judging their inner skills. Similarly, it shows the reader that people that are not confidence are not able to progress in this society. Also, this gives reader an idea that color discrimination is still practiced in the society. Although, this story was returned many years ago, the alternate ideas of the story are still a major issue in our society. People needs to be appreciated when they look unique and should be cheered. Similarly, people shouldn’t be discriminated on the basis of their color and must be accepted in the society. These are the ideas that people can still learn from this story.