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Community College of Allegheny County The Case for Universal Basic Income Discussion

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I’m working on a english question and need an explanation to help me learn.

This week’s discussion board focuses on introductions and thesis statements. As the PowerPoint for this week highlights, there are three types of thesis statements:

  1. Explanatory thesis
  2. Mildly argumentative thesis
  3. Strongly argumentative thesis

Find a news article that interests you, read it, and post a link to the article. Write a summary of the article in 300 words or more.

After reading the article, assume that you are going to write a research paper on the topic. Choose one of the three types of thesis statements and without stating which type of thesis statement you chose to use, write an introduction that concludes with a thesis statement for the imaginary research paper. If you choose to write an argumentative thesis, be sure to choose an article/topic that lends itself to argument–a topic with an opposing viewpoint. Your introduction should be four-to-five sentences in length, concluding with your thesis.