Writing Homework Help
McMurry University The Turn Towards Bourdieu Essay
Essay 2: The Turn Towards Bourdieu
For each Essay, use the prompt as a jumping off point. The length of each Essay should be 1500 words/5 typed pages. When citing your material, you are expected to use the American Sociological Association’s (ASA) style for manuscript preparation (examples of the ASA style and Cole Baggett’s 2017 sociology McMurry Honors Thesis are on Moodle). The Written Communication rubric used when grading these Essays is on Moodle as well.
ESSAY 2: THE TURN TOWARDS BOURDIEU. We get to read Will Atkinson’s (2015) Class. While Atkinson covers different aspects of class concepts and struggles, he comes to argue that Pierre Bourdieu’s approach is the way forward. In this essay, you are asked not to refute Atkinson’s (2015:79-80) contention, but to support why he writes: “As we have seen, the turn towards Bourdieu … allow researchers to emphasize aspects of class which the prevailing approaches had neglected and solve problems they had run into.” Your strategy may be to contrast Bourdieu’s insights with another sociologist profiled by Atkinson, such as Karl Marx, Max Weber, Erik Olin Wright, or John Goldthorpe.