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EDU 635 Colorado College Childrens Learning Environment Discussion

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Part 1

We really wish that we were meeting in person this morning for our first seminar. If we were, we would have opened up the seminar with a motivational speaker who focused on teachers and the impact they make in the life of their students. If you have purchased your textbook, “The First Days of School” by Harry Wong, you probably noticed there was a DVD included with it. If you purchased the E Book download, there should have been a video that came with it as well. If not, you can view the full video on Amazon Prime or other viewing platforms. The name of the documentary is “You Changed My Life” by William Martinez. Although the documentary is less than an hour, it is still less time than we would have spent if we were meeting in person today. You can view the trailer for the documentary in the link below. Please take the time today to watch this documentary today and submit a one page summary of what you watched. It should include specific details about the author and his life along with a brief description of a teacher who changed your life. As always, proof read for grammatical errors. There is no citation necessary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9rEdtZOHs8

Part 2


Click on the link below and complete the training. You will receive 15 points for completing each module within this Link. (Links to an external site.)

When you have finished each assignment, please create a word or pdf document with a list of each module you completed. Make sure to include your name, date, and a list of each item you created/participated with a short description of the activity.

Part 3

The TIAI can sometimes be hard to understand. It is very important for you to know each of the indicators included in this instrument. Dr. Miller has taken the time to explain each one of them below so that you can understand how you will be evaluated during your observations. Please watch the series of videos below and answer the following questions. You will need to create a new document and answer these questions fully. Copy the question and write the answer in complete sentences underneath each of the 10 questions. As always, your grammar is VERY important. This assignment is worth 10 points so you will receive 1 point for each question. (The videos are listed at the end of the questions in short increments so that you can watch them at separate times for your convenience. Clicking on the link below will take you to our YouTube channel which will lead to a play list of the TAIA video series. There are total of 8 short videos that will answer the following questions. Make sure to watch the “Final Comments” video as well. Feel free to review these videos prior to your actual observation.)

1. Where do the instructional objectives come from that you use in your lessons?

2. Why is it important to label each objective with a Bloom’s Taxonomy level?

3. What is meant by, “provide evidence of research-based strategies.”

4. As you begin to think about how you will incorporate at least two other subject areas in the TIAI lesson for your class, what are some possible subject areas that may fit well into your already existing curriculum?

5. After you have reviewed the “Resources” module in CANVAS, define the following terms:

a. differentiated instruction

b. multiple Intelligences

c. critical thinking skills

d. rubrics

6. Explain the importance of pre- and post- testing.

7. Define the following terms:

a. formative assessment

b. Summative assessment

c. formal assessment

d. informal assessment

8. Give an example of student centered learning that you can use in your instruction.

9. When you engage students in question and answer activities, what does the term, “scaffolding” mean?

10. Explain several strategies you are using that foster appropriate student behavior.








Part 4

Find a learning styles inventory of your choice online and ask your students to complete it. Submit a summary of your class’s learning style in this assignment.

Part 5

Directions for weekly reflections

Interns are required to submit WEEKLY reflections based on the previous week’s classroom instruction. Reflections may be submitted anytime between Friday afternoon and Sunday night at midnight. Because reflections could often contain information of a sensitive or confidential nature (see question 4 below), it is STRONGLY ADVISED that you do these from home. You should not be doing your internship assignments from your school computer or on school time. Use the following directions and the example in this week’s module to complete each week’s reflection.

Number the reflection components as follows and answer each question as directed:

(1) What was I trying to accomplish this past week? Be specific about learning outcomes/objectives. These should reflect expectations from College/Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), Common Core Standards (CCS), or Mississippi State Frameworks. (This will depend on which instrument your district is using.)

(2) How successful was I in accomplishing my goals? Be specific about how many students passed or did not pass the assessment of your stated objective(s).

NOTE: In order for a teacher to stay current on student progress, students should be assessed (formally or informally) on a weekly basis; therefore, the results of those assessments should be included in this section. Interns will not receive full credit for this section if information is not specifically stated concerning assessment results.

(3) How can I improve my ability to meet my goals in the future? Be specific about what you will do to improve your teaching strategies, student activities, and/or resources/materials to make your instruction more effective in helping students grasp the material and, therefore, master the objectives. How will you differentiate your instruction to accommodate the diversity of learners in your classroom (learning styles, multiple intelligences, ability levels, interests, etc.)

(4) The purpose of this section is twofold. (1) Discuss concerns you have or issues that arose during the past week that impacted instruction in a negative way. Talk about your strategy for dealing with these issues or concerns. This includes (but is not limited to) discipline issues. Describe the behavior, how you reacted, and the result. (2) Discuss any specific successes you experienced – your own or those of your students – that were particularly positive!



Be sure to use the instructions found in this module and the sample reflection to complete this assignment.

1. What was I trying to accomplish this week?

2. How successful was I in accomplishing my goals?

3. How can I improve my ability to meet my goals in the future? (Includes differentiation of instruction)

4. What are my concerns or causes for celebration from this past week?