Writing Homework Help
Messiah College General Research and Concepts of The Monster Videos Discussion
I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn.
Please watch the following three videos. The first two videos discuss points of research in general, and the third video discusses fear that ties into our concepts of the monster.
“First video: “The Moral Bias Behind Your Search Result” | Andreas Ekstrom
Second video:”The Case for Curiosity Driven Research” | Suzie Sheehy
Third video: “What Fear Can Teach Us” | Karen Thompson Walker
1. What is Ekstrom’s argument in “The Moral Bias Behind Your Search Result”? Do you agree with Ekstrom? Why or why not?
2. Do you have a different understanding on how you will do your research for Project 3 because you have watch this talk? Why or why not?
3. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from Ekstrom’s Talk? What interested you or surprised you the most?
4. What is Sheehy’s argument in “The Case For Curiosity Driven Research”? Do you agree with Sheehy? Why or why not?
5. Do you have a different understanding on how you will do your research for Project 3 because you have watched Sheehy’s talk? Why or why not?
6. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from Sheehy’s Talk? What interested you or surprised you the most?
7. What is Thompson Walker’s argument in “What Fear Can Teach Us”? Do you agree with Thompson Walker? Why or why not?
8. How does the concept of fear explained by Thompson Walker connect with the concept of monsters?
9. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from Thompson Walker’s Talk? What interested you or surprised you the most?