Applied Sciences homework help

  • Review the “Stress Reduction Program: Quantitative and Qualitative Data” document provided in the Learning Resources, as well as the objectives of the program described in the Week 2 Discussion.
  • Review “Data Analysis” in Chapter 15 of the McKenzie et al. text. Consider the type of analysis you would perform on the data sets (descriptive vs. inferential, number of variables). Take into account the evaluation questions, the types of data collected, and the intended audience.
  • Review the eight methods of data interpretation presented in the McKenzie et al. text. Reflect on which of the eight methods are the most appropriate for interpreting the provided evaluation data.

Post a response to the following:

  • Describe the type of analysis you would perform on the data sets (descriptive vs. inferential, number of variables) taking into account the evaluation questions, the types of data collected, and the intended audience.
  • Explain which of the eight methods of data interpretation you would use to interpret the provided data and why.
    • Refer to Chapter 15 of the McKenzie et al. text for information on the eight methods of data interpretation
  • Justify your response using the Learning Resources and current literature.

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