Economics homework help

Economics homework help. 324 Paper

Word Count: 700 words Excluding Title and reference page.

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References: at least 4 (3 from books or academic research papers)

One paper is required during the semester. The paper is due on June 25th  at 11:55pm. You may choose to write your essay from any country/regional cuisine.

The paper must be a formal research paper of at least 700 words of a manuscript (not counting the title and reference pages). The final paper writing format must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) writing style. Please follow the formatting as outlined on the Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab: Each paper must be grammatically correct and free from spelling mistakes. It should be properly researched and contain a reference page (please use good quality sources, and not Wikipedia).

Pick a region/countries cuisine in USA. Discuss how that cuisine from the origin has changed when it became “Americanized”. Include:

  1. Overview of the Region/Country
  2. Food Habits/Patterns,
  3. Typical Meals,
  4. Food Etiquette,
  5. Special Uses of Food,
  6. who were the first immigrants and their impacts on the development of the US cuisine



CATEGORY A –: A Excellent B- : B+ Good C-:C+  Wholly Satisfactory D-:  D+ Marginal F Failure
Depth of Analysis


All discussions are well articulate and logically developed from established facts Most discussions are sound articulated and logically developed from established facts. Many discussions are mostly good but evidence are often unsubstantiated opinions from established facts. Mostly all discussions are confusing based on only unsubstantiated opinions and / or generalizations. Discussions are very poor / or not existing based, on unsubstantiated opinions and / or generalizations.
Presentation; APA formatting 30% Excellent appearance; no spelling mistakes; excellent syntax; very well paragraphed with clear indication of structure; smooth flow throughout; an outstanding range of relevant illustrations & appendices. Good appearance; no major spelling mistakes; good syntax; mostly well paragraphed with clear indication of structure; mostly with a smooth flow; and appropriate range of relevant illustrations & appendices. Good appearance; some careless spelling mistakes; acceptable paragraphing; an indication of structure with some disjointed flow; a satisfactory range of relevant illustrations and appendices. Below satisfactory appearance; many careless spelling mistakes; mostly acceptable paragraphing; an indication of structure; often disjointed flow; a very limited range of relevant illustrations and appendices. Not presented in specified format; very careless spelling mistakes; poor syntax; no paragraphing; grammar fragmentary; no logical sequence; no illustrations and no appendices.





Economics homework help