Education homework help

Develop a resource file of community agencies and support groups for students with physical disabilities and health disorders; intellectual exceptionalities; and social emotional disorders. This file should also include a list of 10 strategies that teachers can use to assist children learn to manage their own behavior and a list of 10 behavior management strategies that can be used to prevent or manage inappropriate behavior in young children. Write briefly how each strategies assist a child to manage their behavior. Finally identify laws and regulations regarding individuals with special needs as relates to their education

  • Local contact information of a state agency that provide support group for children with special needs
  • List support groups that assist with children with special needs
  • Community Resources for children up to age 3
  • Community Resources for school age children
  • 10 self regulating strategies teachers can use to assist children learn to manage their own behavior
  • 10 behavior management strategies
  • 10 strategies for working with gifted and talented students in the classroom
  • Identify laws and regulations regarding individuals with special needs as relates to their education

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