English homework help

English homework help.

Multimedia Design, Create & Review Project


After a 5-week crash course in multimedia learning, it’s time to take the leap and produce a multimedia lesson intended to help someone learn. To help make sure you’re flexing more than just your technical and production skills (or lack thereof, if you’re new to this!), there will also be a focus on the design process and the review of other students’ work.

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The actual dates for this asssignment (apologies the outline had incorrect dates) are as follows5

– Start Date: June 15th

– Submission Due Date: June 28th – by 11:59pm

– Peer and Review complete: June 30th by 11:59pm


What is the content of the project?

For this project, you will choose a learning goal which you want the class to learn about.


An example of the broadest learning goal you would want would be something like “Learn how to make a cognac blue cheese sauce”. An even more specific learning goal would be, “Learners will be able to perform the three cooking steps for making a blue cheese cognac sauce.”


To pick your topic, you’ll use the following criteria:

  • You are passionate about the topic.
  • The amount of prior knowledge necessary to achieve the goal is not substantial.
  • You can envision multimedia content that will help achieve your learning goal.


Picking your learning goal is important. Don’t try to teach something too complex. You’re better to pick something for which you are comfortable. Remember that your goal should be precise. One way to confirm if it is precise enough is to envision how you would test to see if someone achieved your learning goal. If the test is too difficult, then you may need to be more precise in your learning goal.


If you want some advice on learning goal choice, please email me your top choice(s) by email, and I would be glad to comment.


Three Part Project

There are three components to this project. Each component has an associated part of the projects grade.


  1. Multimedia Lesson Plan
  2. Multimedia Lesson Creation
  3. Peer Review


Multimedia Lesson Plan

In this part of the project, you will develop the instructional design for your topic. This task will be fulfilled by completing the Multimedia Lesson Plan that follows the format of the example document found here.


You are welcome to submit this document to me before you create your multimedia content for any advice or thoughts. Just email me the attachment. However, the final version of this document is not due until the project is submitted is submitted through Coursepaces.


Multimedia Lesson Creation

The goal of this part of the project is to create a multimedia lesson that uses a minimum of two pieces of multimedia content. The multimedia lesson must follow your multimedia lesson plan and be designed to achieve its learning goal. You will integrate the content into a blog post.


Multimedia content can include:

–       Slide presentation (there are many different formats you can embed; Prezi, Powerpoint, Slides, etc.)

–       Video

–       Audio

–       Graphics / images

–       Any other content you want to experiment with: for example a survey, quiz, etc.


If you are only including the minimum “2 pieces of multimedia” it’s likely that an audio file and picture is not enough – or at least the design of those items will need to be very well thought out. The minimum requirement is to make sure you use more than one “medium”. You are welcome to include as many multimedia elements as you want to achieve your learning objectives. If you’re striving for a high mark, you’ll need to be using more than two elements and show good composition skills in each of the multimedia items you use.


It is important that in creating your multimedia content you align it with your Multimedia Lesson Plan. It’s not just about creating great content, it’s about creating multimedia that fulfills your learning goals.


You will submit the multimedia learning content in a blog post. That blog post can include any content, or link to any necessary content or activities.


You can start working with your blog post here – at any time. Your blog post will be considered final as of 11:59pm on June 28th.



Peer Review

After the due date for submitting the first two parts of the project, you start on peer reviewing two of the submitted blog posts. Each of you will review 2 blog posts of your peers. Review will be done as a comment on a blog post. The goal is to have two comments per blog post per submission, so please choose a submission to comment on that doesn’t already have 2 comments. If all blog posts have 2 comments, please go ahead and add a third.

For the comments/review You will take on the job of learner, then assessor.

As a learner, you’ll go through the content as a student. Your job is to try learning what’s being taught.

After being a learner, you’ll start assessing. Add comments to the blog posts you are assigned. Your comments should make use of the terminology and principles you’ve learned in the course. The structure of the assessment comments should be as follows:


–       What was the goal of the lesson?

–       What worked best in achieving the learning goal?

–       What could be improve in achieving the learning goal?


The comments can be added as text (up to 400 words) or as embedded audio or video.


How do I submit, when and how?

June 28th, 11:59pm

  • Multimedia Lesson Plan. You can upload on this assignment page.
  • Blog Post that teaches your selected topic. Add your post here.


June 28th to June 29th at 11:59pm

  • Learn and Assess 2 assigned blog posts. Assessment is with comments on blog post in text or embedded/link to audio or video.


How is the project assessed?

The project is worth 35% of your overall grade for the course. The value and assessment criteria for each section is below


  1. Multimedia Lesson Plan – 20% of project grade

The multimedia lesson plan will be assessed for completeness, appropriateness of content in each section, and each section’s support of the learning goal. A superior mark will be given for creativity, assessment criteria and portability (if another instructor had a copy of the lesson plan, they could do a reasonable job creating a lesson that achieved the learning goal). The peer review will be assigned up to 20 points.


  1. Multimedia Lesson Creation – 60% of project grade

The blog post will be reviewed on:

– how well it supports and aligns with the goal of the multimedia lesson plan and being a complete lesson plan.

– meeting the requirements of minimum two pieces of multimedia content, as well as the quality of the content produced in using core skills and principles of multimedia learning.

– A superior mark will be given for creativity and the exceptional educational quality in achieving the learning outcome using multimedia content and presentation.

The Multimedia lesson will be assigned up to 60 points.

  1. Peer Review – 20% of project grade

Each of the two reviews will be assessed based on the quality of the analysis, composition of arguments, and the inclusion of terminology and principles learned throughout the course. Each peer review will receive a mark between 1 and 10 (10 being highest).  The mark goes to the person who wrote the peer review.


English homework help