Government homework help

Information Technology Law and Ethics
Demonstrated understanding – 30 points
Foundational legal principles, materials discussed in the class
Use relevant legal categories, proper subject matter
Basic legal concepts involved correctly used
Argument – 50 points
Explanation of the topic, development of the thesis and conclusion
Development of the argument
Thoroughness of discussion, acknowledgement / treatment of counter arguments
Use of research to support
Writing – 20 points
Appropriateness, form, use of footnotes
Grammar, structure and flow, style
Question: 1
What is the guidance of the Supreme Court of Canada in the R. v. Cole decision about the role that an
organization’s computer use policy may play in the assessment of whether there is a reasonable
expectation of privacy in a work laptop computer where employees are permitted to use the laptop
computer for some personal makers? What do you recommend by done be an organization to address
this situation?
You are the IT systems security manager. It is 3 am in the morning. The CEO just called you. Your
company has suffered a cyber breach. What steps should you take?

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