Human Resource Management homework help

Team Project  (ORGB 601)


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Team project includes:

  • Team paper (15 marks)
  • Team Presentation ( 5 marks) Details will be sent later.


Using the Internet or other sources, research any two organizations that are considered to be ethical companies.


In your paper, be sure to address the following items:


  1. Describe each of the organization you researched.
  2. Explain the Organizational Structure of the two companies. What advantages and disadvantages do you experience based on the current structure?
  3. Explain why they fit the criteria of an ethical Of the two ethical companies you researched, contrast the way these companies became known for being ethical.
  4. Compare and Contrast the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of the two companies

Step 3

Be sure to include proper text citations and APA style references for all sources




  1. Format (follow the APA style,7th edition guidelines)
  2. Team Paper


  1. Title page
  2. Give a short introduction and conclusion to the paper.
  3. No need to write the question, write the answers with the corresponding question numbers (Writing the questions will increase the similarity score)
  4. References from outside (minimum five ) + course textbook = Total 6


  1. Submission


  1. Submit in the Turnitin assignment area in the 11th week of the Moodle page



  1. Similarity scores


  1. For this paper similarity above 20% will reduce marks
  2. Please don’t copy as such from the references. Paraphrase and add the citation to reduce similarity
  3. The more you research the less would be your similarity score
  4. Copying from old student’s assignments/papers will increase your similarity score
  5. Search for online journal articles from the library resources and other resources.

Go through the syllabus for further guidelines.  If you need any further clarifications please let me know