Individual Assigned Court Decisions & Summaries 1. Objective The purpose of summarizing a court decision in Law, Ethics and Policy is two-fold: (1) To familiarise you with important Canadian decisions that pertain to Law, Ethics and Policy; and (2) To ensure that you are able to both find and summarise any Canadian court decision(s) on a given legal issue. 2. Finding Canadian case law You should find a copy of your allocated case by using ‘Canadian Legal Information Institute’, known as CanLII, an internet website that provides legal resources free of costs to the public. • Go to ‘Google’. • Enter: or simply CanLII. • Enter only the names of the parties at option 1: ‘Document text’. • Names of potential cases will appear: Click on case with correct date. • Full case will appear. • You may print and/ or save the case and/or email it as an attachment to yourself. 3. Format and contents of your case summary • Remember the KISS principle: Keep It Short and Simple. • Only discuss the indicated key aspects of the case that relates to Law, Ethics and Policy (see below). • Each your case summary should not be longer than one and a half pages. • Your summary should address the following four issues: 1. What is the story (facts of case – very briefly)? Summary the position of both parties. 2. What did the court decide? Concentrate on the court’s reasons for the decision. 3. What is the value/importance of this decision to Law, Ethics and Policy (MADS 6644)? 4. Do you agree/disagree with the decision? Motivate your answer. 4. Evaluation I shall award a grade out of a maximum of 20 marks. Your case summary will be graded as follows: • Prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, knowledge of topic – summary of facts, your own opinion, content of 2 pages (content must be short and to the point): A. Editing, formatting and presentation of case study – did you follow the instructions below? 5/20 B. Content: 15/20: Facts (5 marks), Court’s ruling (5 marks), Own opinion (5- analysis is key – do you agree, why, why not? Explain in detail) C. Instructions: Please use Times New Roman or Calibri, 12, 1.5 spacing in your summary. The headings under (B) must be in bold and numbered (1) – (4) • Indicate the following information on the cover page of your case summary: 1. Name of case and topic in bold and caps (e.g. CARTER CASE – RIGHT TO DIE) 2. Your name 5. Case 1. Anten v Bhalerao 2013 ONCA 499 (CanLII) Re: Right to refuse treatment (anti-psychotic medication) 7. Summary: 1) Find the prescribed case on 2) Write a maximum of 2 pages on your assigned case. 3) Remember: You will be graded on the following: instructions were followed, prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, summary of facts and your own opinion (must be short and to the point). Good luck!

Individual Assigned Court Decisions & Summaries 1. Objective The purpose of summarizing a court decision in Law, Ethics and Policy is two-fold: (1) To familiarise you with important Canadian decisions that pertain to Law, Ethics and Policy; and (2) To ensure that you are able to both find and summarise any Canadian court decision(s) on a given legal issue. 2. Finding Canadian case law You should find a copy of your allocated case by using ‘Canadian Legal Information Institute’, known as CanLII, an internet website that provides legal resources free of costs to the public. • Go to ‘Google’. • Enter: or simply CanLII. • Enter only the names of the parties at option 1: ‘Document text’. • Names of potential cases will appear: Click on case with correct date. • Full case will appear. • You may print and/ or save the case and/or email it as an attachment to yourself. 3. Format and contents of your case summary • Remember the KISS principle: Keep It Short and Simple. • Only discuss the indicated key aspects of the case that relates to Law, Ethics and Policy (see below). • Each your case summary should not be longer than one and a half pages. • Your summary should address the following four issues: 1. What is the story (facts of case – very briefly)? Summary the position of both parties. 2. What did the court decide? Concentrate on the court’s reasons for the decision. 3. What is the value/importance of this decision to Law, Ethics and Policy (MADS 6644)? 4. Do you agree/disagree with the decision? Motivate your answer. 4. Evaluation I shall award a grade out of a maximum of 20 marks. Your case summary will be graded as follows: • Prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, knowledge of topic – summary of facts, your own opinion, content of 2 pages (content must be short and to the point): A. Editing, formatting and presentation of case study – did you follow the instructions below? 5/20 B. Content: 15/20: Facts (5 marks), Court’s ruling (5 marks), Own opinion (5- analysis is key – do you agree, why, why not? Explain in detail) C. Instructions: Please use Times New Roman or Calibri, 12, 1.5 spacing in your summary. The headings under (B) must be in bold and numbered (1) – (4) • Indicate the following information on the cover page of your case summary: 1. Name of case and topic in bold and caps (e.g. CARTER CASE – RIGHT TO DIE) 2. Your name 5. Case 1. Anten v Bhalerao 2013 ONCA 499 (CanLII) Re: Right to refuse treatment (anti-psychotic medication) 7. Summary: 1) Find the prescribed case on 2) Write a maximum of 2 pages on your assigned case. 3) Remember: You will be graded on the following: instructions were followed, prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, summary of facts and your own opinion (must be short and to the point). Good luck!.

Individual Assigned Court Decisions & Summaries


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  1. Objective


The purpose of summarizing a court decision in Law, Ethics and Policy is two-fold:


  • To familiarise you with important Canadian decisions that pertain to Law, Ethics and Policy; and
  • To ensure that you are able to both find and summarise any Canadian court decision(s) on a given legal issue.


  1. Finding Canadian case law


You should find a copy of your allocated case by using ‘Canadian Legal Information Institute’, known as CanLII, an internet website that provides legal resources free of costs to the public.


  • Go to ‘Google’.
  • Enter: or simply CanLII.
  • Enter only the names of the parties at option 1: ‘Document text’.
  • Names of potential cases will appear: Click on case with correct date.
  • Full case will appear.
  • You may print and/ or save the case and/or email it as an attachment to yourself.


  1. Format and contents of your case summary


  • Remember the KISS principle: Keep It Short and S
  • Only discuss the indicated key aspects of the case that relates to Law, Ethics and Policy (see below).
  • Each your case summary should not be longer than one and a half pages.
  • Your summary should address the following four issues:


  1. What is the story (facts of case – very briefly)? Summary the position of both parties.
  2. What did the court decide? Concentrate on the court’s reasons for the decision.
  3. What is the value/importance of this decision to Law, Ethics and Policy (MADS 6644)?
  4. Do you agree/disagree with the decision? Motivate your answer.


  1. Evaluation


I shall award a grade out of a maximum of 20 marks.

Your case summary will be graded as follows:

  • Prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, knowledge of topic – summary of facts, your own opinion, content of 2 pages (content must be short and to the point):
  1. Editing, formatting and presentation of case study – did you follow the instructions below? 5/20
  2. Content: 15/20: Facts (5 marks), Court’s ruling (5 marks), Own opinion (5- analysis is key – do you agree, why, why not? Explain in detail)
  3. Instructions: Please use Times New Roman or Calibri, 12, 1.5 spacing in your summary. The headings under (B) must be in bold and numbered (1) – (4)
  • Indicate the following information on the cover page of your case summary:
  1. Name of case and topic in bold and caps (e.g. CARTER CASE – RIGHT TO DIE)
  2. Your name


  1. Case



  1.                                           Anten v Bhalerao

2013 ONCA 499 (CanLII)

Re: Right to refuse treatment (anti-psychotic medication)




  1. Summary:


  • Find the prescribed case on
  • Write a maximum of 2 pages on your assigned case.
  • Remember: You will be graded on the following: instructions were followed, prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, summary of facts and your own opinion (must be short and to the point).



Good luck!

Individual Assigned Court Decisions & Summaries 1. Objective The purpose of summarizing a court decision in Law, Ethics and Policy is two-fold: (1) To familiarise you with important Canadian decisions that pertain to Law, Ethics and Policy; and (2) To ensure that you are able to both find and summarise any Canadian court decision(s) on a given legal issue. 2. Finding Canadian case law You should find a copy of your allocated case by using ‘Canadian Legal Information Institute’, known as CanLII, an internet website that provides legal resources free of costs to the public. • Go to ‘Google’. • Enter: or simply CanLII. • Enter only the names of the parties at option 1: ‘Document text’. • Names of potential cases will appear: Click on case with correct date. • Full case will appear. • You may print and/ or save the case and/or email it as an attachment to yourself. 3. Format and contents of your case summary • Remember the KISS principle: Keep It Short and Simple. • Only discuss the indicated key aspects of the case that relates to Law, Ethics and Policy (see below). • Each your case summary should not be longer than one and a half pages. • Your summary should address the following four issues: 1. What is the story (facts of case – very briefly)? Summary the position of both parties. 2. What did the court decide? Concentrate on the court’s reasons for the decision. 3. What is the value/importance of this decision to Law, Ethics and Policy (MADS 6644)? 4. Do you agree/disagree with the decision? Motivate your answer. 4. Evaluation I shall award a grade out of a maximum of 20 marks. Your case summary will be graded as follows: • Prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, knowledge of topic – summary of facts, your own opinion, content of 2 pages (content must be short and to the point): A. Editing, formatting and presentation of case study – did you follow the instructions below? 5/20 B. Content: 15/20: Facts (5 marks), Court’s ruling (5 marks), Own opinion (5- analysis is key – do you agree, why, why not? Explain in detail) C. Instructions: Please use Times New Roman or Calibri, 12, 1.5 spacing in your summary. The headings under (B) must be in bold and numbered (1) – (4) • Indicate the following information on the cover page of your case summary: 1. Name of case and topic in bold and caps (e.g. CARTER CASE – RIGHT TO DIE) 2. Your name 5. Case 1. Anten v Bhalerao 2013 ONCA 499 (CanLII) Re: Right to refuse treatment (anti-psychotic medication) 7. Summary: 1) Find the prescribed case on 2) Write a maximum of 2 pages on your assigned case. 3) Remember: You will be graded on the following: instructions were followed, prep, legal analysis of the court’ decision, summary of facts and your own opinion (must be short and to the point). Good luck!