Nursing homework help

Create a plan for continued learning related to translating research to an evidence-based practice.

Use the following structure for your paper (1-2 pages): All questions are to be included in your submission.

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  1. Reflect on and write about your nursing career to date specifically related to the use of an evidence-based practice.
  2. Consider your learning. What was the most difficult or challenging part of the course for you? How did you meet the challenges of the course? Did you have a “light goes on” moment, if so, what was it? What is your course take-away?
  3. Sadlon (2018) writes that “Self-reflection is considered a process whereby a person explores their cognitive, emotional and mental frames of reference, thoughts.” In this section identify 1-2 ways, goals, for developing in each of these areas (cognitive, emotional and mental) which are connected to your professional nursing career. For example, enhanced knowledge in an area related to evidence-based practice (cognitive).

References are only necessary if you use in-text citations. In-text citations are not required.

As a future advanced practice nurse, how would you integrate your EBP project and journal club into your clinical setting? (about 150 words)