Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Part 1:

Select values from the “Rokeach Values Survey” that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values (850-1,000 words). Be sure to select values for each of the following four levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. You will complete the “Rokeach Values Survey” located in topic materials to assist you in selecting your values.

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Is there an example that I may follow to craft my leadership model?

Below are definitions and an example you can follow as you use the provided table to think through and develop your own personal model of leadership.




Values and beliefs: A value or belief describes something that is important to you. It fits into the sentence: “I value…” Examples include integrity, respect, trust, high performance, making an impact, and a clean environment.


Behaviors and action: A behavior describes the visible actions that demonstrate (or are based on) a value. For example, if you believe in “trust” as a value, then the behavior may be, “I always keep private information shared with me in confidence to myself.”


Clear approach for creating meaning and purpose: This is the sense of meaning or purpose that you focus on based on your values. So, if you value protecting the environment, you might outline your approach for contributing to an organization that protects wildlife.


Impact: Impact is attaining positive results or improvements in your area of focus. So, if you are working in a wildlife organization, it could be saving the lives of wildlife or protecting a particular ecosystem.


Example Table



Personal Model of Leadership


Values Level Behaviors and Actions Meaning and Purpose Impact


Individual I follow through with my commitments. I want to be recognized for my integrity. I feel good about my actions and behaviors.
Respect Interpersonal I listen to others with the intent to understand their meaning and feelings. People on my team treat each other with respect. I have a high-performing team that meets or exceeds goals.
High Performance


Organizational I encourage my team to regularly meet or exceed its goals. I define measurable results in a balanced scorecard. My team measurably impacts the organization’s business results.
Protecting the Environment Societal I am an active member in an environmental group/organization. I improve the lives of wild animals in Arizona by volunteering monthly in an environmental group. Our group saves animals’ lives and preserves ecosystems.




Below is a blank table for your use. Copy and paste it into your own document and begin completing it as you start examining a variety of leadership models. Add to it as you are exposed to more leadership qualities that appeal to you. Utilize your completed table as a resource to draft your own personal leadership model. You do not need to submit this chart with your assignments.






Personal Model of Leadership


Values Level Behaviors and Actions Meaning and Purpose Impact


Value 1




Value 2




Value 3




Value 4








Psychology homework help