20 companies who made successful change in 2020

20 companies who made successful change in 2020.

Using the article on the 20 companies who have made the most impressive change according to HBR, conduct outside research and present your findings on the 4 key areas they made change in. ( https://hbr.org/2019/09/the-top-20-business-transformations-of-the-last-decade )
Please include what the “as is state”-meaning how it originally looked and then describe the change they made and how it looks now. What were the key motivations. Who were the change agents of the company. Was the change mono centri or polycentric.

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Please use concepts from the Powerpoints in course materials to craft your answers. 2 full pages- 12 font double spaced normal margins. This requires outside research. Also, provide all the detail statistics from https://www.statista.com/, https://www.bloomberg.com/, if possible.

20 companies who made successful change in 2020