Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Using the Anthrax Crisis (Clarke Article) as described by as a backdrop….chose one option to address 1.  Using the CRS report  by Lindsay (2011), describe how social media could have been used had it been available when the attacks happened.  Read or ReviewModule 3: Organizations in Critical Incident Response: the following parts of the commentary: Part II: Organizational Interface with the Community: Communicating with the Public in Critical Incidents Part III: Summary Lindsay, B.R. (2011). Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and Policy Considerations. Report# R41987, Washington, D.C: Congressional Research Service Covello, V. (n.d.). Effective Risk and Crisis Communication during Water Security Emergencies.,d.cWc Paul, S. (2012, April 9). How Social Media is Changing Disaster Response. Course Resources: eReserves: Clarke, L. et al. (2006). Speaking with One Voice: Risk Communication Lessons from the US Anthrax Attacks, Journal of Contingency and Crisis Management, 14(3).

Anthropology homework help

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