Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on impact of social and cultural processes on climate change. Climate change is a very significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over a long period of time which is usually sometimes millions of years. It may be changed in the distribution of weather around the average conditions or the average weather conditions.In recent years, there have been efforts to try and address the issue of climate change. Countries are being advised to adopt anti-climate change policies. In this context, they are actually required to address the key issues in the society that have prevented the adoption of the strategies. How values affect the decisions and actions with regard to climate change, what role culture plays in the strategies for adapting to climate change, and in the process overcoming the barriers to change.Climate change is caused by a variety of factors which include oceanic processes like oceanic circulation, variations in solar radiation that is received by Earth, volcanic eruptions, plate tectonics, and lastly, human-induced alterations of the natural world. the latter effects are currently resulting in global warming, while climate change is often used to describe the human-specific impacts (Rothwell, 2006:56).The factors that shape climate are referred to as climate forcings. They include processes like variations in solar radiation, continental drift, mountain building and, variations in earth orbit, and changes in the concentrations of greenhouse gases. There are arrays of climate change feedbacks that can either diminish or amplify the initial forcing (Barnett & Adger, 2003:134).The human factors that cause climate change include an increase in the carbon (iv) oxide concentrations as a result of emissions from fossil fuel combustion, followed by the aerosols and then cement manufacture. The other factors include the following: animal agriculture, deforestation, ozone depletion, and lastly, land use. They are also of concern in the roles that they play, both separately or in conjunction with the other factors, in affecting the climate, microclimate, and measurement of climatic variables.&nbsp.

Anthropology homework help

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