Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Link: a brief introduction in which you provide a brief overview of the book and what it is about. Save the details of the book for the topics that follow.  Compared to most slaves, Jacobs experienced a somewhat better life during her early years. What circumstances explain why she was able live a different kind of life? Who were the most important members of her family?  Explain the role that each played both in her early life and later.  In general, how does Jacobs describe the life of slaves under the slave holders in her region? What kinds of treatment did most slaves experience at the hands of these owners?  How does Jacobs describe her relations with Mr. and Ms Flint? How does Ms Flint treat her?  What kinds of demands does Mr. Flint make of her? Why does she imply that slavery was harder for female slaves than for male slaves?  Discuss the most important ways that Jacobs attempts to deal with Mr. Flint and his demands. What strategies did she use? What actions did she take?  What role did Nat Turner’s rebellion and the Fugitive Slave Law play in Jacobs’ account of her life? How did she personally experience these events? Why was each event especially disturbing for her?  What was the most important thing you learned about slavery that you did not know previously? What did you think of the book? Would you recommend it? Why? Writing Instructions:Do not use outside sources when writing this paper. The acceptable sources are the Jacobs book itself and your brain.  For the most part, the paper should be written in your own words. You may use some quotes from Jacobs when they are needed to support your main points, but don’t overdo it. Do not use block quotes.  If you do quote from Jacobs, be sure to enclose the quote in quotation marks and cite the page number.  Use the above questions/topics as your paper outline and answer them in the order they are presented.  Use some common sense in how much you write for each topic. The brief introduction, for example, can be covered in one paragraph. Other topics will require more extensive coverage. If there are subtopics, be sure that you cover each of them thoroughly.  Although I don’t grade in terms of the length of the paper, under most circumstances I would expect a paper somewhere within the range of 5-7 pages. As a general rule, it’s better to write more than less.  The paper must be typed using Microsoft Word, double-spaced using normal- sized fonts (11 or 12) and margins. Do not submit in Google Docs, Word Perfect, etc. and do not submit as a PDF.  The best grades will go to papers that have discussed each topic/question completely, are well-organized and well-written and follow directions. Points will be deducted for excessive grammatical and/or typographical errors so be sure that you proofread before turning it in.    Be careful about plagiarism. If you quote anything from this book, use quotation marks and cite the page number. Failure to do this could result in a grade of 0 for the assignment or, in serious cases, failure of the course.

Anthropology homework help

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