Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help. Cooking article summary
You will be reading an article
and doing three things with it.
1. First off, make sure to open a Word Doc and put your proper heading on it.
2. In the upper left corner label the assignment Informational Writing #1
3. Make sure to include a title centered. You want to be sure to use proper sentence structure, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing and black letters. Proofread and spell check before turning in for a grade.
4. For the assignment you are going to read an article. This assignment focuses on technical writing. It is going to be three sections. You may label the sections if needed, but you do not have to. I will be looking for each section for grading.
Section 1 is a summary of the article. Pull out the important information in the article. Be specific, you need to have two quotes to get your point across. This section will be about 1/2 page to 3/4 of a page.
Section 2 What did you learn about the topic you read about? Do not write the question. Respond in a well developed paragraph. This section will be approximately 1/2 page.
Section 3 What are your thoughts about the topic? This is different than section 2. This is where you can use the word I. This is also where you will put your opinion. Make sure to support your opinion. This section should also be about 1/2 page.
No plagiarism please also cite in MLA format.

Article writing homework help

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