Biology homework help

Biology homework help. The essay assignment develops the research, analysis and writing skills. The purpose of this assessment task is to develop and assess your knowledge about a key managerial issue.,Develop and assess your knowledge about a key managerial issue,The essay assignment develops the research, analysis and writing skills. The purpose of this assessment task is to develop and assess your knowledge about a key managerial issue. You are expected to cite at least ten (10) academic journal articles in your essay to demonstrate the range of sources from which you derived your knowledge. Your are require d to select a company of your own choice. The size of the organisation you choose is something for you to determine. The assessment is to be completed individually. Finally, the word count for the assessment is 2500 words (+/- 10%), which does not include the title and reference pages.,Note:,Support/ challenge your finding against empirical/peer review ed literature that is dated from 2010 to now., Please make sure that the literature can be search ed by most university library online searching engines. Google Scholar is also a good source.,Find 10 peer reviewed literature sources and incorporate their findings into your final write up.,Process – Developing and searching for information, Using your developing knowledge of management, create a list of issues to consider during the literature search and analysis of the activities of the organisation. Additionally, your search for information and analysis should consider ,Corporate Social Responsibility, (CSR) and sustainability policies and strategies; successful/failed CSR and sustainability approaches and their impact.,Note:,It is assume d that the organisation or company you choose want to be ‘successful’ in what they do. Thus, in your analysis determine for ‘success themes’; seek literature support or challenge the themes you identify.,Empirical Connections, Connect data from the organisation or selected company with theory. Consider what the theories argue with a view to successful management practice context., Presenting Your Findings – the Write Up, Write a report of your findings that has all of the elements described below., Steps:, 1.      Firstly, Identification of Organisation (organisations principal functions, the products or services it provides; clarify why the organisation exists) – no more than 100 words.,2.      Secondly, Identification of their CSR and sustainability policies and strategies/ successful approaches and their impact.,3.      Thirdly, The strength and weaknesses of their CSR and sustainability programs, policies and approaches, successes and failures.,4.      Fourthly, Suggest how a shared-value approach may assist the company to produce a win–win solution. Use examples from the company and support with relevant literature/theories.,5.      Further, How might a “triple bottom line” assessment of performance by companies change the approach to production or natural resource extraction? Use examples from the company and support with theories/literature,Note: Lastly, it is assumed that the organisation or company you choose want to be ‘successful’ in what they do. Thus, in your analysis determine for ‘success themes’; seek literature support or challenge the themes you identify. This must be support ed by literature citations.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Biology homework help

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