Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. ONLY THREE QUESTIONSDCF, sensitivity analysis, no income taxes. (CMA, adapted) Whimsical Corporation is an international manufacturer of fragrances for women. Management at Whimsical is considering expanding the product line to men’s fragrances. From the best estimates of the marketing and production managers, annual sales (all for cash) for this new line is 900,000 units at $100 per unit; cash variable cost is $50 per unit; and cash fixed costs is $9,000,000 per year. The investment project requires $120,000,000 of cash outflow and has a project life of seven years.At the end of the seven-year useful life, there will be no terminal disposal value. Assume all cash flows occur at year-end except for initial investment amounts.Men’s fragrance is a new market for Whimsical, and management is concerned about the reliability of the estimates. The controller has proposed applying sensitivity analysis to selected factors. Ignore income taxes in your computations. Whimsical’s required rate of return on this project is 10%.1.

Computer Science homework help

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